SmarTest Labs offers forensic DNA testing to answer lingering questions one might about possible exposure to toxic substances as well as questions about infidelity. Read about our forensic DNA testing options below:

Semen & Sperm Detection
The Semen Detection Analysis is performed on an item submitted, when it is suspected the item may contain seminal fluid and/or sperm. The test will determine the presence / absence of sperm cells.
Advanced Infidelity Testing
This process includes identifying existing DNA and matching this DNA to a reference swab you submit to eliminate your DNA from the equation. Any remaining DNA is then isolated and a report is generated to indicate whether this remaining DNA is male or female or both.
Unknown Substance (Urine)
This Unknown Substance Analysis can be used if a person believes they have been drugged and would like to identify the suspected drug. The test can also be used to identify many forms of drugs that could have been ingested by an individual.
Unknown Substance (Hair)
This test is used to determine if drugs are present in hair. This test is usually requested when someone suspects that they have ingested a drug but are unsure of what kind. This test will tell you if the substance is found in the hair but will not tell you at what concentration.