Urine Alcohol Test
Organizations of all sizes use urine alcohol testing for a variety of reasons, including human resource purposes, legal cases, judicial hearings, academic settings, and for personal needs.
Learn more about our urine alcohol testing methods below:

Urine Alcohol - (ETG)
- The ethyl glucuronide (EtG) Urine Alcohol Test is the most common and preferred sample to test for alcohol usage because alcohol metabolites can remain in an individual’s system for up to 80 hours after usage.
- This test can also track long-term alcohol use, especially in individuals who are not supposed to be drinking at all, such as in parole or probation situations.
Urine Alcohol (EtOH)
The most common compounds to test for the presence of alcohol in urine are ethanol (alcohol) and Ethyl glucuronide (EtG). Ethanol is used more frequently, but the use of EtG is growing. EtOH is used to determine the use for example of beer, wine and other liquor.
Ethanol has a relatively short window of detection in urine. The normal clearance of ethanol from the urine is 8-12 hours. Fermentation produces ethanol. Any urine specimen with a glucose positive in conjunction with an ethanol positive should be ruled as an invalid specimen due to the presence of glucose. Individuals who are diabetic can often have glucose in their urine.
Employers who have a zero tolerance to alcohol at work can conduct this test to determine alcohol use on their premises. This is used often in DUI testing and also in court if required.