
There are times when you need a lab test done for your own peace of mind. Some of the common tests include allergy, hormone testing, health and  wellness testing & DNA testing.
Learn more about our available lab test options.

Health & Wellness

Health is the absence of illness, injury or disease. Wellness is much more than the absence of illness. The combination of health and wellness brings a balance and symmetry to the human body and promotes healthy behavior due to knowledge of your current health status. Some examples of health and wellness testing include Male and Female Health Panels, test for anemia and fatigue, Healthy Weight Panels, Heart Health Panels, Food Allergy Panels and many more.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and immigration

DNA and immigration testing is done to determine various factors such as paternity, forensic, potential of disease carried through genetic links and establishing ancestry.

Studies have shown some of the reasons why individuals conduct DNA testing are very personal.  Here are some of the ‘key’ reasons.

  • Disease Management – Studies reveal that more than 6000 diseases can be determined by taking a DNA lab test. Some of the DNA tests can diagnose or manage the risks of the diseases early. The world today is filled with many genetic diseases.  People who are planning to be parents are advised to take DNA tests to determine if they are carriers of genes that might result in certain conditions and if the genes are present in other family members. The results of the DNA tests could affect the decision of the couple on whether they should consider bearing biological children or consider adoption. Also, the DNA test is essential for women who want fertility treatments. DNA tests are increasingly becoming accessible and affordable. Ancestry DNA tests helps you to understand your genetic makeup and the potential of disease exposure.
  • Forensic – DNA tests uniquely identify a person and are very accurate in determining individuals.  DNA testing is a better and more effective way of identifying criminals. DNA from blood, skin, and hair are matched with the DNA of the suspects in rape and murder cases. Therefore, DNA tests can prove an individual’s innocence in a criminal case.The world today is filled with diseases, and many of them are genetic based diseases.
  • Genetic Markers – People who are planning to be parents are advised to take DNA tests to determine if they are carriers of genes that might result in certain conditions and if the genes are present in other family members. The results of the DNA tests could affect the decision of the couple on whether they should consider bearing biological children or consider adoption. Also, the DNA test is essential for women who want fertility treatments.One of the most significant areas of DNA research is medical research and genetics. DNA testing enables the discovery of diseases and enhancing the ability to diagnose diseases early.
  • Ancestry DNA – An ancestry DNA test enables people to discover their ethnic origins close to 1000 years back. The results of the ancestry DNA lab test give you an estimate of the origin that your DNA matches up with so that you are sure of your ethnicity or background. The test allows you to find links to your past and connect with your ancestors.
  • Paternity DNA – One of the primary reasons people take up DNA tests is to establish paternity. A DNA test enables fathers to be sure that they are the biological father of the child when they are not sure about it. DNA testing is important in establishing paternity for child support requests.
  • Immigration – DNA testing in immigration is useful for children, parents, grandparents and other relative who are planning to migrate and need proof that they are related to the families that they say they are related to. This is very helpful in determining family relationships for legal and judicial purposes.

Drug and Alcohol

Parents sometimes will need to check on their children as they suspect that they are into drugs, alcohol and other intoxicating epoids. Testing for these personal reasons especially for children under age can only be done by parents and no other organization unless they have prior approval from the parents or guardian of the child. These early tests can set a child back on their right course and avoid catastrophic outcomes as they become adults. Addiction in children is fast growing and parents need the assistance to drug test their children. Parents can work with schools to assist in determining if their children are engaged in risky drug or alcohol activities (called reasonable suspicion/cause testing). However, there are some restrictions on random testing of students showing no such suspicion. The goal of testing is to deter illicit drug use and identify students who misuse prescription or over-the-counter drugs or use illicit drugs so they can get help to the child and the parents.

SmarTest Labs performs a variety of lab test types. We provide you with all the necessary health and fitness tests that can give you insight into your ongoing health, potential addiction issues and family relationships tests.

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