Urine Drug Test
Organizations of all sizes use urine drug testing for a variety of reasons, including human resource purposes, legal cases, judicial hearings, academic settings, and for personal needs.
Learn more about our urine drug testing methods below:

DOT Panel
The DOT Panel will determine the presence or absence of 5 types of drugs or their metabolites in your urine. This is a lab based test with confirmation and MRO included.
5-Panel Drug
The 5-Panel Drug Test will determine the presence or absence of 5 types of drugs or their metabolites in your urine. This is a lab based confirmation test with MRO Included.
5-Panel + Expanded Opiates
The 5-Panel + Expanded Opiates drug test analyzes the sample for the presence or absence of 5 different drugs or their metabolites. In addition this test includes a bundled test to determine if opiates are present. This is a lab based confirmation test with MRO included.
5-Panel No THC
This test analyzes the sample for 5 specific drugs & more.
The 10-Panel Drug Test will determine the presence or absence of 10 types of drugs or their metabolites in your urine. This is a lab based test with confirmation and MRO included.
10-Panel + Expanded Opiates + MDMA
10- Panel + Expanded Opiates + MDMA: Analyzes the sample for evidence of 10 different drugs or their metabolites. This test includes an expanded panel that tests for opiates and MDMA or their metabolites. This is a lab based test with confirmation and MRO included.
Cotinine Test (Nicotine Metabolite)
A urine test for Cotinine will determine if cotinine is present in the urine. Cotinine is a metabolite of Nicotine, which will show if a person has used Nicotine in the past 1-4 days.
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (Date Rape)
This Unknown Substance Analysis can be used if a person believes they have been drugged and would like to identify the suspected drug. The test can also be used to identify many forms of drugs that could have been ingested by an individual.
10-Panel Expanded Opiates
This 10‐Panel with Expanded Opiates test will determine the presence or absence of 10 types of drugs in your system. This is a lab based test.
10-Panel + Continin
Many companies now provide incentives to employees for not smoking. Testing for Cotinine has become a more frequently provided service for employees struggling with smoking issues as part of their wellness programs. The test includes 10 drugs including a test for Cotinine which is a byproduct of Nicotine which can last back to 3 days.
THC Only
This is a test for just marijuana only. Sometimes parents would like to check to see if their children are taking drugs. Marijuana is a common drug used by teenagers and children in school. It is also used as a test in workplaces if the policy of the organization is to have no violation of drug. Given marijuana is legal for medical use in many cities, this has become more challenging to test.