Detection timeframes vary for different drug tests and the kind of drug used. It is a very common question that is frequently requested by individuals, companies and other organization to understand detection timeframes for different tests. Some tests can go back as far as 90 days and even several months depending on the test selected.

Drug detection timeframes of detection

Depending on the type of test the detection of the drug in our system will vary. The following is a breakdown of drug detection timeframes for different ways a test is done, and the nature of the drug being tested.

Some additional factors that will influence the outcome of the drug test are:

  • The frequency of use of the drug
  • Type of Drug used
  • Body Mass
  • Quantity and strength of the drug used
  • Amount of hydration of the individual
  • Amount of exercise in the individual’s routine
  • The frequency of drug used
  • Gender of the person
  • The level of drug tolerance
  • Genetic makeup of the individual.

As you can see each person’s ability to assimilate and retain, a drug varies. Only a valid test will show the evidence on the drug’s presence in a person’s system. Trying to guess and using different methods to eliminate drugs from a person’s system, does not work efficiently. Traces of the drug remain in a person’s system. It also depends on timeframes of use and the kind of test conducted on the person.

Urine drug testing is one of the most common drug testing methods as it is quick, accurate and affordable. The other tests used as saliva, hair and blood. Different tests are used depending on the reason of the test. Testing can range from organization conducting mandated requirements, court orders, personal reason, child custody, probations and other requirements.

Hair drug test is used when there is a need to go beyond timeframes that Urine and saliva cannot provide. The retention period of drugs in hair is about 90 days for most drugs. It is accurate, there is very little room for error. The only drawback is the test is more expensive and has a longer turnaround time for results.

Drug Retention Period for different testing approaches:

Drug retention for different testing medium varies significantly in retention time. The table below will list the retention time for each kind of test.

Drugs Urine Hair Saliva


6 – 10 hours

72 hours

6 months 12 hours



1 – 3 days 90 days 1 – 3 days
Barbiturates Up to 6 weeks 90 days 1 – 2 days
Benzodiazepines 1 – 3 days

Heavy Use – up to 6 weeks

4 – 6 months 16 – 48 hours
Cocaine 0.5 days – 3 days 90 days 1 – 2 days

(Morphine, codeine, high-dose hydrocodone)

2 – 4 days 90 days 1 – 2 days
Fentanyl 1 – 2 days 90 days Neither fentanyl nor it’s metabolites could be detected in saliva.

(Morphine, Codeine)

2 – 4 days 90 days 1 – 2 days


2 days 90 days 12 – 36 hours

(detection may not be visible)

1 – 2 days 90 days 48 hours
Marijuana (Tetrahydrocannabinol) Infrequent Use – 1 – 3 days.

Moderate Use – 10 days

Chronic Use – 30 days

90 days Infrequent Use – 32 hours

Chronic Use – 32 hours

Methadone 2- 11 days 90 days 24 hours
Morphine (hydromorphone) 1 – 2 days 90 days 1 – 2 days
Nicotine 1 – 2 days 90 days or up to 12 months Up to 4 days
Oxycodone (Oxymorphone)    1 – 1.5 days 90 days 4 days

 Note: these timeframes could vary depending on the level of use and the criteria listed above in an individual.

The information below is provided as guidelines and not as medical advice. Please consult your physician if you have further questions related to the topics of drug use.


Marijuana tests for the chemical compound called Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The results will depend on the frequency of use of the individual, body mass index, frequency of use and other factors.

Marijuana can cause serious side effect in children like brain damage especially in young children and adults. Most states in the USA have approved marijuana for medical purposes but many organizations have a zero tolerance to the use of marijuana. In these cases, a drug test is required to prove that the person is not on marijuana.


Excessive alcohol use (ETOH or ETG) can go unrecognized due to the use of alcohol in social setting and other venues. However, use of Ethyl glucuronide (ETG) can go completely unnoticed until something tragic happens. The quantity of alcohol that a person cannot be measured to an exact amount or a number, but the test can determine heavy use as opposed to a lite use of alcohol. Tests can determine a threshold of ETG consumption and anything beyond that level is classified as excessive.

Ethyl alcohol (ethanol – ETOH) also known as Ethyl alcohol is an alcohol product that has an alcohol characteristic and a strong odor and taste. It used to be used as an anastatic but today it is used as an antiseptic and for other industry uses.

The effects of consuming this product and getting addicted to it causes cirrhosis of the liver, Heart disorders, strokes, various forms of cancer and risks of falls and motor vehicle accidents. These side effects apply to both ETG and ETOH.


Opioids is the general category for drugs such as heroine, fentanyl, oxycodone, morphine etc. It is become a problem among employers as there seems to be a huge rise in opioid use. Some dugs like morphine are highly addictive if used continuously and people at risk are those using it for pain relief. The side effects of morphine cause blurred vision, speech issues, lack of interactive activity and other issues that will require clinical intervention.

Amphetamines – This drug is used to treat used to commonly for ADHD conditions to stimulate the messaging between the brain and the human body. In some cases, the drug is used for Parkinson’s disease and often also used in sports to enhance performance. The effects of excessive use of the drug can cause violent behavior, agitate behavior with high energy, breathing problems, heart issues, loss of appetite.

Codeine – Overdosing on codeine can cause breathing issues, blood pressure drops, liver failure and other side effects. Treatment will be required if someone is overdosing on codeine. Codeine is found in cough syrup and other pain killer.

Cocaine – This drug can cause significant side effects especially since it is used by street vendors to dilute the product. The dilution can cause immediate death of an individual using the drug.

Fentanyl – is a synthetic opioid drug used in pain management and anesthesia. It has a very high level of potency (100 time more) than morphine and 50 times more than heroine.  The side effect of this drug can cause euphoria, pain relief, drowsiness, problems with breathing, unconsciousness and death.

Hydrocodone – Hydrocodone can cause addiction easily. The side effects are heart failure, breathing issues, lack of initiative in interaction, liver and kidney failure.

Methadone – This drug is used to control pain It could produce addiction, and it is best to avoid frequent use to avoid addiction. It can cause mental issues if used frequently.

Morphine – Is a drug to manage pain. Like any other pain management drug, it can be addictive if used beyond the prescribed duration as required by a medically qualified individual. Morphine is a non-synthetic drug derived from opium. Overuse or prolonged can cause brain damage, Cold skin to the touch, Low blood pressure, lowered pulse rate and unconsciousness and potential death.

Oxycodone – This is a prescription drug that contain a chemical called OxyContin. Addiction to this drug can cause heart issues, seizures and other side effect that are dangerous to health.

Please contact SmarTest Labs if you are required to conduct drug testing related to the topics above. WE provide confidential testing with a strict chain of custody. We are licensed and accredited to conduct any drug testing required.

We are located at 301-686-8566 for guidance in selecting the exact drug testing requirements.