A Comprehensive Guide to DNA Paternity Testing

There are several ways to review paternity DNA testing. Couples are more commonly trying to find out who the father of a child is. Several questions need to be addressed to provide accuracy in the testing process.

• Is the potential father married to the mother of the child?
• Is the potential father not married to the mother of the child?

In most states in the USA, some criteria must be followed. The legal system bases its decisions on the child’s best interests.

DNA Paternity Testing: Understanding the Process and What to Expect

To understand the DNA testing process in the scenarios listed above, the alleged father must be involved. We will explain the expectations in the two scenarios above and what you can expect as outcomes.

Unmarried Couple With a Child

Suppose a couple were never married and had a child. In that case, there needs to be a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity Document or a birth certificate certifying that the father is the child’s father. This document is pretty binding in the eyes of the court and will require the father to take on all responsibility for the child, including all financial support.

If the father has been in the child’s life but is not the father and wants to establish guardianship, there are legal requirements to meet the criteria of guardianship. These range from the person being an adult to being able to take care of the child’s needs, including financial needs, being physically capable of performing the roles, and being a positive guide for the child.

If there is no Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity, and even if the father wants the child in his life and the DNA test proves that the child is not the child of the biological father, the mother then gets to decide if she wants the person in the child’s life.

Married Couple or Married and Divorced Couples

If a couple is / was married and has a child during that period, it is assumed by default that you are the child’s father. You then become the child’s legal guardian and responsible for all the child’s growth and well-being.

If a DNA test proves that you are not the father of the child, when you were in the marriage or in the marriage currently, that has several other ramifications. Then, the father must choose whether to accept the child as his own.

Navigating Fatherhood DNA Tests: A Step-by-Step Guide

Paternity DNA Testing has become a gold standard with an accuracy rate of over 99.999% outcome accuracy. For many people seeking to find closure in their paternity, the journey to find out if you are the father of a child is stressful. However, it provides peace of mind and in positive cases, it can create stronger family bonds.

In cases where there are doubts and speculation, and the DNA test returns a result of 0.00%, it provides scientific evidence of a paternity relationship—fathers than can make appropriate decisions and stop the speculation.

Navigating DNA paternity testing is a personal journey. Results could be either positive or negative.

Some of the Pros & Cons of Paternity DNA Tests are as Follows:


• Provides peace of mind
• Provides information on potential genetic health issues that assists healthcare professionals in determining and managing care for individuals.
• Provides legal justification for an individual’s rights and responsibilities.


• If the Paternity DNA test proves non-paternal relationships, the impact could have a significant emotional strain on those involved.
• There could also be additional ethical implications. Although DNA provides accurate results, false positive results due to human error could occur, which in turn could lead to wrong decisions. Therefore, it is important to conduct the test in a certified laboratory.
• Paternity DNA tests can be expensive, depending on the test chosen. For many people, they may be out of reach.

Considering a Paternity Test? Here’s What You Need to Know

DNA Paternity Testing has several ethical and legal considerations.

• Ethical Considerations

A primary consideration when a Paternity test is done is the challenge of privacy and autonomy. The recommendation (not legal) is to get full consent from all parties. Since child / children are involved, protecting the child is critical.

• Legal Considerations

A paternity DNA test that shows a positive result could have legal implications on the father to provide child support (financial and emotional) and ongoing care for the child into adulthood.

Demystifying DNA Paternity Tests: What Fathers Should Know

Paternity DNA Tests are easy to conduct, and the accuracy is almost 100% (99.999%). Samples are collected from the alleged father’s cheek swab and compared to the child’s cheek swab. The age of the child being tested is not restricted.

Tests should be conducted through a certified laboratory to ensure the accuracy of the results.

Tests can be conducted on an unborn child after eight weeks. This is called a noninvasive Prenatal Paternity Test (NIPP). It is safe for both the child and the mother. A sample is collected from the mother via a blood draw, and a cheek swab is collected from the father. The process then compares the cells of the father’s markers to those of the unborn child through a complex algorithm.

The privacy and security of your samples are of the utmost importance and cannot be disclosed unless there is authorization from each party being tested. This is done through appropriate administrative controls within the testing organization. Sample handling is minimized to only those who need to conduct the test, and no other person is allowed to handle the samples.


At SmarTest Labs, we strive to provide you with the utmost confidentiality in our testing process. We understand the impact of Paternity DNA tests on families. We are an AABB-accredited lab that collects and processes your DNA samples.

Please note this article is not legal advice but information for you to understand the boundaries of DNA testing. Please consult an attorney if you need to proceed with legal proceedings.