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Grandparentage – Non Legal Test

What is a Grandparent Non-Legal Test?

A grandparent Non-Legal DNA test is used to compare the DNA of two individuals, a grandparent and a child in the event the child’s parent is not available for any reason.

How does the Grandparent DNA (Non-Legal) Test work?

A DNA test is used to compare the DNA markers of two individuals to determine if they are biologically related.

The DNA sample from the two individuals using a cheek swab is taken from the individuals and is processed to determine if they have similar DNA markers. The individuals used are the participating grandparents, biological mother and the child.
These markers between the child and the paternal grandparent are compared to determine if grandparents are related to children. The comparison of the DNA is done between the child, the mother and the paternal grandparent. Since DNA of a child is 50% maternal and 50% paternal, the test can prove if the father is related to the child as the paternal father has 50% of his father’s DNA and 50% of his mother’s DNA. The children will indirectly show if they are related to the father through the grandparent.
This is a complicated test and involves careful crafting of the test and individuals involved. It is highly recommended that the paternal grandparent (at least one) should be included in the test or the results could be inconclusive.

How are the Test Results Reported?

The test results are based on a percentage of the relationship. If the index shows a 99.999 % relationship then there is a clear indicator that the children are related. If the percentage indicator shows a lower level it could indicate an inconclusive match or no match.

This test cannot be used for legal purposes and is not court admissible. The non-legal test will be an informational test only and to provide peace of mind.

SmarTest Labs will provide you the appropriate guidance throughout the selection, testing and results delivery process of your grandparent DNA test. We conduct the test under a strict Chain of Custody to retain the accuracy of the grandparent DNA test results.